CCHT London - Paris Bike Ride

CCHT London - Paris Bike Ride



  • About

Support our intrepid parents, alumni and friends of Christ Church & Holy Trinity Primary Schools who will be cycling from Christ Church, Chelsea, to the Champs Elysee in Paris over the course of 3 days to raise much needed funds for our schools.  High on our wish list at both schools are new school toilets  - in the playground at Christ Church and in the Cadogan Gardens building at Holy Trinity.  The cost of updating, overhauling as well as re plumbing and tiling is in the region of £20,000 and we simply do not have these funds to make this happen, without your help!

Please dig deep so that we can make a big difference to our premises without compromising on enrichment for the children.

Follow the cyclists journey on our instagram handle @cchtfederation and via our newsletter updates.